Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A budget for Wiltshire’s communities

The budget for next year 2012/13 was agreed at council today. The budget will continue to invest in key services and protect the most vulnerable in our communities.
It was agreed that council tax will be frozen at zero per cent for the third year running, that free swimming for young people during school holidays will be introduced, and support will be provided for communities to celebrate and take part in this year’s once-in-a-lifetime events; the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the Olympic Torch Relay route.
Our financial plan, which was published last year, has been reviewed to reflect the changes and challenges that we continue to face.

Despite the tough economic climate, we will invest £9.7 million into adult services and £4.9 million into children’s services ensuring vulnerable adults and children are supported. £152 million will be invested in the delivery of affordable homes, roads and roads maintenance, superfast broadband, new campuses and communities.  
In 2012/13 the funding from government will decrease by £3.2 million. This, combined with the rising costs of goods and services and the need for additional funding to meet the needs of Wiltshire’s growing number of older people and children, means the council must make efficiencies of £32.6 million in 2012/13.

We will find the efficiencies needed by continuing to work innovatively. Our transformation programme will save £17 million in property sales and net savings of £4.5 million per year by 2014. By working differently we can remove duplication and waste and by working more closely with our public sector partners we can look at where our assets could be shared and, where possible, our services can be co-located; following the model at our Monkton Park offices, where the police recently relocated. We are also further reviewing our structure and responsibilities at service director level to align services within the new structure and deliver further efficiencies.

The plan allocates £273 million for investment in Wiltshire over the next three years. Major projects will deliver more affordable homes, an increase in roads maintenance and repairs, and the implementation of high-speed broadband, new community campus models in Corsham, Melksham and Salisbury and an allocation of £500,000 for community area transport groups to decide on local transport priorities and schemes. Local businesses, wherever possible, will be delivering the work, creating jobs for local people and boosting the local economy.

Speaking at today’s meeting, council leader Jane Scott said: “Our priority at Wiltshire Council has always been to deliver what’s best for the people of Wiltshire: to look after our growing ageing population, our vulnerable children, to manage the challenging economic situation and to keep council tax at a zero percent increase for the third year running.
"We have a clear vision – to create stronger and more resilient communities. And our goals – to provide high quality, low cost customer focused services, to prioritise local issues, to be open and honest in our decision making, and to work with our partners to support Wiltshire’s communities –- remain at the forefront of everything that we do. This is a budget that will deliver what’s best for the people of Wiltshire – a budget that makes a difference.”
Jane Scott’s full budget speech is now available on the budget and spending page of the Wiltshire Council website.

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