Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Community Speed Watch - day of action

On Saturday 10th September Community Speed Watch volunteers will be taking to the streets to carry out speed checks throughout Wiltshire.

The aim of the day is to have a visible presence on roads throughout the county to encourage motorists to think about road safety.

Those carrying out the checks will include a mixture of Community Speed Watch volunteers, police officers from both Neighbourhood Policing Teams (NPT’s) and the Roads Policing Unit (RPU) and council staff.

Motorists found travelling above the limit will be dealt with in a number of ways. They will be sent a warning letter, stopped and given words of advice or be given a fixed penalty notice which will mean a fine and points on their license.

Community Speed Watch Co-ordinator Elizabeth Ngero said:

‘It is important that motorists appreciate that their vehicle does not stop as soon as you see a hazard. The faster you are travelling the longer it will take you to stop and avoid a potential accident.

‘We have a total of 50 volunteer groups from different parishes throughout Wiltshire that have been taking part in Community Speed Watch and 55 groups that are trained to go out. We hope this day of action will help educate drivers and make them think of the potential consequences that are associated with excess speed.’

As well as groups from Wiltshire other groups from South Somerset, Devon & Cornwall and Suffolk will also be taking part on the day.

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